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Tanvi Sweetslim, 30 Tablets

Useful in weight loss, reduction in extra fat, cutting false hunger, relief from complaints like body pain, Joints pain


Product Details and Information about Tanvi Sweetslim, 30 Tablets | Sweetslim

Sweetslim Tablet is the best Herbal Tablet designed by Tanvi herbal for Obesity-related dosha. Basically, a Fitness tonic which helps reduces your calories and help make you slim and Fit. It is an Herbo Mineral formula which acts like Slimming supplement.

Effect on Tridosha

Help reduces Vatta dosha.


  • Obesity-related Disorders


One to Two tablets daily with Milk or Butter milk or as directed by your doctor.


Each tablet contains 100 mg. Extract derived from

Loha bhasma 4%, Guggul (Balsamodendron Mukul) 14%, Shilajit (Aspathum) 6%, Ghana derived from Vijaysar (pterocarpus marsupium) 20%, Vidanga (Embelica Ribes) 12%, Chirayata (Swertia Chiraita) 4%, Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Chandan (Santalum Album),Shunthi (Zingiber Offcinalis) each 4%, Hairdra (Curcuma Longa), Amlaki(Embelica Officinalis) each 14%, Excipients  Herbs etc. qs.

Weight 25 g
HSN Code



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