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Kottakkal Brahma Rasayanam, 500 Grams

Deficient immune conditions, emaciation, poor memory, Rasayana and prophylactic medicine in neoplasms


Product Details and Information about Kottakkal Brahma Rasayanam, 500 Grams

Brahma Rasayan is an Ayurvedic health supplement. It is also called Abhaya Amalaki Avaleha. It is used for the management of mental conditions, including anxiety, poor cognition, and lack of concentration. Ayurveda suggests that Rasayans are a group of single or polyherbal preparations made from plant extracts. They are commonly used to improve health and longevity. They help improve the nutritional status of the body and alleviate symptoms of stress[1].
Some studies report that Brahma Rasayan helps in controlling the aging of the brain. It shows anti-stress and memory-enhancing effects which are beneficial in improving mental health[1,2]. According to Ayurveda, Brahma Rasayan has Medhya (improve intelligence) property which helps in improving memory. It also helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety by balancing all three doshas, especially Vata dosha. In addition to that, it can help reduce fatigue. This is due to its Balya (strength provider) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. The Rasayana property of this Ayurvedic formulation may also help fight against infections in the body and prevent recurrent seasonal infections.

Ingredients :

Pathya 0.453g Dhatri 2.717g Panchapanchamula (each) 0.047g Sitopala 5.208g Twak 0.019g Ela 0.019g Musta 0.019g Rajani 0.019g Pippali 0.019g Agaru 0.019g Chandana 0.019g Mandukapuni 0.019g Kanaka 0.019g Shankhapushpi 0.019g Vacha 0.019g Plava 0.019g Yashtyahwa 0.019g Vidanga 0.019g Sarpi 1.0149ml Taila 0.679ml Kshaudra 1.019ml

How to Use : 10 to9 20 grams twice a day or else directed by physician.

Weight 650 g
HSN Code



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